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Health, Safety & Services

At Drake, our first concern is for the health, safety, and security of every member of the university community and all campus visitors. We urge you to take full advantage of the services we provide, and we ask for your partnership in helping keep our campus safe and our community healthy.  In addition, as you come face-to-face with all the opportunities and challenges of college life, it’s good to know you’re not on your own. From the RA in your residence hall, to staff, advisors and professors, the people of Drake are looking out for you and want nothing more than to help you succeed.  To assist you in navigating your journey at Drake, you’ll find a network of services and resources here to help:

If you have an emergency, call 911 first.
Then, call 811 (on campus) or 515-271-2222.

  • Academic Assistance—Offering workshops, peer assistance, and skills-building to help you achieve your best, turning that shaky B into a solid A.
  • Campus Public Safety—Information on security services and parking, tips for protecting your personal safety and belongings, our annual report of crime statistics, and more.
  • Career Services—Helping you bring together every learning experience, internship, service project, and campus activity into a solid preparation for the professional world or graduate school.
  • Counseling Services—Information on counseling services, psychological testing, workshops, and referrals.
  • Des Moines Police Department—Guidelines on all the department’s services and policies. To reach the Des Moines police for non-emergency reasons, call 515-283-4811.
  • Disability Resources—Helping ensure both access and achievement for students with learning differences or physical disabilities.
  • The Drake Book Store—Selling everything you need to fill the role of the successful Drake student, from (of course) books for all your classes, to must-have items of Bulldog apparel.
  • Drake University Environmental Health and Safety—Policies and services on issues ranging from asbestos in the environment to the use of protective eyewear.
  • Health Center—Providing health information and resources, treatment for illnesses and injuries, and referrals to other providers whenever needed.
  • Student Handbook—Containing all the information you need on Drake policies and guidelines.
  • Title IX—Everything you need to know, including what constitutes sexual and interpersonal misconductt, steps for making a report, and who to contact.
  • Registrar—Handling registration for classes, issuing official transcripts, processing grades, and maintaining all official academic information, including the academic calendar.
  • Wellness Center—Provides a variety of group exercise programs and one-on-one fitness options.


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February 28, 2025